Schale GRID gradient, Design Tomas Kral, für Galerie Kissthedesign.
Frucht Schale aus mattweiß emailliertem Keramik mit Farbverläufe bearbeitet. Mit Peter Fink produziert.
Kleines Modell 25 x 25 cm, H. 4 cm.
Großes Modell 31 x 31 cm, H 4 cm.
Limitierte Auflage von 100 Ex. + 2 AP, nummeriert
Tomas Kral, designer from Slovakia, opened his studio in 2009 in Lausanne and teaches at the ECAL. His work is often published in the press with products edited by among other Super-ette, PCM, Foundry, Christofle, etc. He was also exhibited in international design galleries. (Helmrinderknecht, Libby Sellers, Kreo, etc)