Zeitgenössische Kunst und Design

Augustin Rebetez | Hyper-spiritisme | 2013

Exhibition from july 5 to september 14

For his summer exhibition, Kissthedesign gallery presents recent works by young swiss artist Augustin Rebetez (*1986, Mervelier CH), current winner of the international award of the Images festival in Vevey. He is an unclassifiable artist, working equally in the fields of drawing, photography, video, installation, performance and sculpture to express a raw and uncontainable creative world.

His work develops dream-like and obsessive characters, half monsters, half tribal heros, men-animals, magical collages, living everyday-life objects, wooden hut, etc that he draws black and white, animates in his stop motion videos and incarnates thank home-made costumes in his photographs.


Augustin Rebetez *1986 in Mervelier (Switzerland). Graduated in 2009 in photography at Ecole d’arts appliqués, Vevey
He lives and works in Mervelier

Since 2009, he particpates to several exhibitions, a.o., musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne (Nuit des imagesRegeneration 2), Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Palazzo Ducale, Genova (I), Paul Klee Museum, Bern (Lust und Laster), Centre Dürrenmatt, Neuchâtel, Aperture Foundation, New York, Photo Biennale, Daegu (SK), Swiss Art Award, Basel, Centre Pasqu’art, Bienne, Galerie Nicola von Senger, Zurich, Festival les Urbaines à l’Espace Arlaud, Lausanne, Art & Design Gallery, Hertfordshire (UK), Galerie Azzedine Alaïa, Paris, etc

His work gained international interest and has been awarded for instance with the Photo Folio Review at Rencontres d’Arles (2010), EWZ – Swiss Photo Award (2012) and Kiefer Hablitzel award (2012). In 2013, he won the Grand Prix of the Festival Images, Vevey.
His work has been published many times over in monographic publications, like, in 2013, Collection Cahier d’Artiste, Pro Helvetia and Un arbre à chaque bras, Centre Dürrenmatt, Neuchâtel & Editions D’Autre Part.